In 1999, the designer Robert Glover decided that he wanted to bring his artistic skills to bear on a new range of collectible items -- some beautiful Reveries who had been haunting his imagination. Feb 1st 2000 Damosel the first of a wonderful line of creations was made. She was quickly followed by a full range of Fairies, Mermaids, and Mythicals.
When you look at these photographs you will be taken by these pieces . They are all the more remarkable in that they are quite small around 5 inches tall.
These pieces are a personal favorite and I believe capture the beauty we had until now only imagined. Seeing in this instance is truly believing.
Cypera's name reminds us of a cygnet, the term for a
young swan, which is Cypera's symbol. She is one of
those rare beings called swan maidens who can change
from swan to human and back again
Here is the Reverie of passion and power. Her name is
from the Latin and means 'one who grows among snow'.
The symbol Anivalis brings in her keepsake box is a
snowflake - its beauty as fragile and haunting as her own.
Hélodie's name is from the Greek 'helodes', which means marsh - and it is in the sleepy marshes of Gramarye that Hélodie likes to gather her thoughts.
The beautiful but elusive Hélodie is a faerie of charm, but she brings change in the sweep of her gossamer cloak, in the touch of her webs of wonder. If you should catch a glimpse of her, or feel her presence in your dreams, tread carefully - for she may spin you a yarn and a tale that best belongs in dreams alone.
Safe From Harm
This beautiful faerie girl sits upon a fallen log. Look inside
the log and you will discover sprigs of Rowan. The leaves
of this tree -- also called the Mountain Ash -- were often
used in medieval times to ward off malevolent spirits.
Faerie children are kept safe from harm by powerful spells
and charms, and the fresh, innocent quality of this small
being weaves its own spell.
Bells and Chymes
This loveable boy on his snail shell is one of the most
appealing of the faerie children. In country districts in
England, the tall purple foxglove flower is often honoured
with the name of the 'faerie bells'